Clean Energy Now™

Bringing Fusion Energy To Market Before Anyone Else ​

Energy of the Future

Nuclear fusion is the process where two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus.

It is the most efficient and clean way to produce energy known to humanity. It is also the process the stars, including our Sun, use to create energy. It is ten times more fuel-efficient than nuclear fission, promising to solve our energy needs once and for all.

We are working on making aneutronic Proton-Boron fusion a reality here, today.
Two light nuclei undergo fusion to form a heavier nucleus and emit substantial energy.

Proton-Boron fusion is...​

Radiation Free

We use an aneutronic (radiation-free) Proton-Boron reaction, as opposed to most other Nuclear Fusion projects that focus on the radiation-producing Deuterium-Deuterium or Deuterium-Tritium reactions.

Emission Free

Our technology only uses water and boron to run which are both widely available, safe, accessible, and produce no greenhouse emissions.

Grid Free

Thanks to its compact size our technology provides off the grid access and negates large-scale failure risk, while minimizing transmission losses.

“I would like nuclear fusion to become a practical power source. It would provide an inexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming.”​​

Stephen Hawking​


Through fast iteration cycles we are developing a state of the art aneutronic Micro Fusion Reactor ready for much earlier commercialization than other, large-scale nuclear fusion projects.


Aneutronic fusion emits no greenhouse gases and creates no long-lived radioactive waste


The resources required for producing pB fusion are abundant in nature and simple to obtain


Proton-Boron reactions can be safely controlled and pose no risk of a runaway reaction or meltdown

Decarbonization is the way

Our company’s dedication to sustainable energy production will help pave the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

By using aneutronic nuclear fusion, we are able to produce energy with zero carbon footprint and no harmful pollutants, helping us fight climate change.

Our Approach

6 Trillion

Global Energy Market Size according to the USTA


Decarbonization goal by 2050*


Addressable by clean energy from nuclear fusion
*The Long-Term Strategy of the United States

Our leadership

We have united top tier experts from leading organizations to bring Fusion to the forefront of technology and power positive change.

Peter Liu
Roger Falcone
Chief Scientific Officer

Press Releases

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December 2024- January 2025 Alpha Ring Newsletter
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High Voltage Power Supply
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Test Part
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